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Guelph Classics Society

The Guelph Classics Society is a group of undergraduate students who are enthusiastic about the literature, art, history, and languages of the ancient world. We welcome all majors, minors, and those interested in classical studies - or even those who are just curious about our club. We encourage you all to join us at our weekly meetings and social and academic events throughout the school year.

We meet weekly for discussions, Greek and Latin language review sessions, and event planning. Throughout the year we run many exciting events, such as trivia and movie nights, bake sales, casual dinners at the Brass Taps, our annual Social Mixer in the fall, and academic Symposium event in the Spring. We invite all lovers of Classics, whether you're majoring or minoring in the field or just have a general interest in it, to join us at these events. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions at any time!


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  • Facebook - Black Circle
  • email-icon-vector-niEKXzMiA
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